Behind the art scene

Any major city boasts a vibrant art scene with bustling performances of operas, theaters, and concerts. Posters fill the streets, evoking memories of musicians, dancers, actors; costumes, sets, choreography; glamour, lights, and applause.

The magic begins upon entering these magnificent venues with centuries-old architecture, red carpets, marble, gold, and plush chairs. Voices murmur, programs rustle, and as the lights dim and the curtain rises, enchantment unfolds. Musicians, dancers, actors; costumes, sets, choreography; admiration and applause. Brava, Bravo!

As we leave these imaginary worlds, gathering our coats and thoughts, we carry the joy and excitement, humming tunes or reciting quotes. Yet, we rarely consider the behind-the-scenes effort: practice, sweat, injuries; determination, tears; admiration, applause. Who are the people behind the magic? Instructors, tailors, carpenters, make-up artists, light operators—all giving their best so we leave transformed, richer, and more joyous.

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